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及其好用的围棋教学软件 慧石围棋 紫翠青衣的第一推荐

发表于 2013-2-25 08:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Clever_Stone_go ver1.20 慧石围棋1.20版
简介(中英文双语版本) 免费版本1)网络课程:  收集了30个入门提高系列教程
2)怎样下围棋:视频+配套棋谱 详细介绍了围棋入门知识(中英文双语解说)
3)学定式:  320000手定式库,是当今世界上最大的定式库(中英文双语解说)(其中主干为石田芳夫定式大辞典50000手)
4)学布局:    1500000手布局库,分为中国流布局等30个分库,由专业棋手50000个对局组成。
5)学手筋:     包含有6000个手筋的题库,玄览,手筋辞典等经典著作
6)学死活:     包含有6000个死活的题库,玄玄棋经,棋经众妙,发阳论等经典著作
7)学中盘:     包含有3000个中盘的题库
8)学官子:     包含有2000个官子的题库
Clever_Stone_go ver1.20 慧石围棋1.20版
简介(中英文双语版本) 免费版本

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I = ShellExecute(0, "open", address, 0, 0, 1)



作者主页:(home page)

1)网络课程:  收集了30个入门提高系列教程
2)怎样下围棋:视频+配套棋谱 详细介绍了围棋入门知识(中英文双语解说)
3)学定式:  320000手定式库,是当今世界上最大的定式库(中英文双语解说)(其中主干为石田芳夫定式大辞典50000手)
4)学布局:    1500000手布局库,分为中国流布局等30个分库,由专业棋手50000个对局组成。
5)学手筋:     包含有6000个手筋的题库,玄览,手筋辞典等经典著作
6)学死活:     包含有6000个死活的题库,玄玄棋经,棋经众妙,发阳论等经典著作
7)学中盘:     包含有3000个中盘的题库
8)学官子:     包含有2000个官子的题库

(Clever_Stone_go) brief introduction
Download address:[newver=120]
1)Net Course     :Is a collection of 30 series.  
2)How to play go :Video + matching kifu
3)Learn Joseki   (Corner Pattern):320000 change chart(Today the world's largest Joseki database)
4)Learn Fuseki   (Opening):1500000 change chart
Classic opening(fuseki):包含经典布局有
Chinese opening (Chinese fuseki) 中国流布局
Three stars opening (sanrensei)  三连星布局
Two stars opening (nirensei)  二连星布局
Mini Chinese opening 迷你中国流布局
Kobayashi opening  小林流布局
Shusaku opening  秀策流布局
Star no Sorrow corner opening  星无忧角布局
komoku no Sorrow corner opening 小目无忧角布局
5)Learn Tesuji   (Best Move):Contains 6000 questions
6)Learn Shitatsu (life and death):Contains 6000 questions
7)Learn Chuban   (middle game):Contains 3000 questions
8)Learn Yose     (end game):Contains 2000 questions

围棋 go igo goe weiqi weiki Baduk
布局 opening fuseki (Chinese fuseki) (Chinese opening)
GO01 弈友围棋教室      ☆ (徐莹  老师讲解)  Introduction  ☆
GO03 少儿围棋入门教程  ☆ (邱百瑞老师讲解)  Primary course  ☆
GO02 围棋快速入门      ☆ (曹志林老师讲解)  Quick start  ☆
GO04 围棋布局             (很多  老师讲解)  Fuseki (openning)
GO05 围棋基本定式50型     (范    老师讲解)  joseki
GO06 围棋死活             (很多  老师讲解)  Dead or alive
GO07 围棋手筋             (很多  老师讲解)  Tesuji
GO08 围棋三日通           (宋满权老师讲解)  Introduction 3 DAY
GO09 小朋友快乐学围棋  ☆ (毛飞骅老师讲解)  happy go game  ☆
GO10 幼儿快乐学围棋       (西西  老师讲解)  happy go go
GO11 小博士学围棋动画版   (小博士    讲解)  boy go girl go
GO12 围棋启蒙动画教程     (天元围棋  讲解)  Enlightenment of go animation
GO13 儿童围棋启蒙讲座     (蒋锡久老师讲解)  Children go enlightenment talks

GO14 围棋六日通           (李立泰老师讲解)  Introduction 6 DAY
GO15 定式以后的变化       (袁伟红老师讲解)  joseki later
GO16 天元围棋频道      ☆ (天元围棋  讲解)  TianYuan GO TV  ☆
GO17 围棋实战教程         (很多  老师讲解)  Actual combat of GO
GO18 围棋中级教程         (王元  老师讲解)  go intermediate course
GO19 围棋第一步           (金志明老师讲解)  GO step one(Korean but use chinese)
GO20 走走弈棋             (梅泽由香里讲解)  GO GO IGO  (Japan)
GO21 魔法围棋             (杨佑家老师讲解)  Magic go
GO22 骗着怪着破解         (吴新宇老师讲解)  trick play
GO23 常型讲座             (吴新宇老师讲解)  Common shape talks
GO24 围棋骗招攻略         (网络  老师讲解)  go trick play
GO25 围棋快乐学堂         (婷婷  老师讲解)  happy go class
GO26 围棋实战视频(中国流布局)  Chinese opening
GO27 围棋实战视频(迷你中国流)  Mini Chinese opening
GO28 围棋实战视频(星位无忧角)  Star no Sorrow corner opening
GO29 围棋实战视频(小林流布局)  Kobayashi opening
GO30 围棋实战视频(星小目布局)  hoshi-komoku_fuseki
GO31 围棋实战视频(二连星布局)  hoshi-hoshi_fuseki
GO32 围棋实战视频(其他类布局)  other_fuseki
<<<怎样下围棋 How to play go包含下列内容>>>>

用30分钟学会下围棋1(英文讲座)  go basic 1
用30分钟学会下围棋2(英文讲座)  go basic 2
用30分钟学会下围棋3(英文讲座)  go basic 3
用30分钟学会下围棋4(英文讲座)  go basic 4
布局原理1_金角银边草肚皮  Principle of fuseki(opening)
布局原理2_守角的基本方法  corner enclosure
布局原理3_挂角的基本方法  approach move
布局原理4_占大场基本方法1  large fuseki point 1
布局原理4_占大场基本方法2  large fuseki point 2
布局原理5_定式的基本方法  Joseki
布局原理6_夹攻的基本方法  pincer
布局原理7_开拆的基本方法  extension
常见布局1_星位无忧角布局  Star no Sorrow corner opening
常见布局2_中国流布局  Chinese opening (Chinese fuseki)
常见布局3_迷你中国流布局  Mini Chinese opening
吃子1  Capture 1
吃子2  Capture 2
吃子3  Capture 3
吃子4  Capture 4
吃子5  Capture 5
征子1  ladder 1
征子2  ladder 2(If you don't know ladders, don't play Go.)
征子3  ladder 3(If you don't know ladders, don't play Go.)
枷吃1  geta(net)1
枷吃2  geta(net)2 (Nets are better than ladders.)
打劫1  ko 1
打劫2  ko 2 (If you don't like Ko don't Play Go.)
官子1  yose 1
官子2  yose 2
官子3  yose 3
数目  territories
贴目  komi
挂角方向的选择  Approach from the wider side.
开拆方向的选择  Block on the wider side.
拆兼夹的好点  Combine a pincer with an extension.
死眼气序列  eye and liberty
点眼分眼和灭眼  eye shape and nakade
真眼和假眼1  true eye and false eye 1
真眼和假眼2  true eye and false eye 2
真眼和假眼3  true eye and false eye 3
真眼和假眼4  true eye and false eye 4
死活和双活1  life and death 1
死活和双活2  life and death 2
连接1  link 1
连接2  link 2
切断  cut
长气的基本技术  Prolong liberty
紧气的基本技术  shortage of liberties
扑和倒扑 接不归1  Throw-in  snapback Oiotoshi 1
扑和倒扑 接不归2  Throw-in  snapback Oiotoshi 2
扑和倒扑 接不归3  Throw-in  snapback Oiotoshi 3
金鸡独立 猴子翻山  Chicken Monkey
老鼠偷油 黄莺扑蝶  mouse Oriole
相思断  Double crosscut to connect
大头鬼  stone tower(big head ghost)
倒脱靴  Under the Stones(ishi-no-shita)
形方必点 遇点莫接  peep Square
滚打包收  Throw-in and atari(Squeeze tesuji)
有眼杀瞎  eye and Blind
大眼杀小眼  big eye and small eye
三眼两做  three eye space make two eye
连环劫  Serial ko
二子头软必需扳  bane at the head of two stones.
左右同型棋在中间  Play on the point of symmetry.
双单形现定靠单  The doubble single shape
矩形护断虎输飞  Connection( Protecting the cut)
两方有情方可断  Cutting techniques
断哪边吃哪边    Capture the cutting stones.
虎口遇扳常单退  Tiger's mouth

四路遇断常单跳  cut in 4 line
多弃一子能出棋  discard stones
棋成愚形效率低  The empty triangle is bad shape.
敌之要点我要占  The opponent's vital point is my vital point.
腾挪要用靠  Use contact moves for defence.
镇以飞应  Answer the capping play with a knight's move.
下不好就脱先  Tenuki is always an option.
杀棋要用扳  There is death in the hane.
金柜角是打劫  The carpenter's square becomes ko.
二一之处多妙手  Strange things happen at the one two point.
遇靠用扳  Respond to attachment with hane.
扭十字长一方  Crosscut then extend.
凡跳无恶手  The one-point jump is never bad.
切断小飞要用跨  Strike at the waist of the keima.
单关不要轻易挖断  Don't try to cut the one-point jump.
穿破小飞是大棋  Cutting right through a knight's move is very big.
断点勿刺  Do not peep at cutting points.
低效连接要用刺  Even a moron connects against a peep.
勿刺双关竹节  Don't peep at both sides of a bamboo joint.
以早提被征吃的棋子为妙  Take off stones captured in a ladder, at the earliest opportunity.
不要忘记肩冲  Never ignore a shoulder hit.
点在3子中间  Play at the centre of three stones.
急所胜于大场  Urgent points before big points.
厚势勿近  Play away from thickness.
厚势不要用来围地  Don't use thickness to make territory.
以攻击取地  Make territory while attacking.
逼敌近坚垒  Force the enemy into a strong fortification.
天王山在敌我摸样的交界处  The largest point is at the boundary of your moyo and the opponent's moyo.
开花1朵三十目  A ponnuki is worth thirty points.
活棋之前别忘记先手利  Play kikashi before living.
补棋尽量抢先手  Beware of going back to patch up.
赢棋别闹事  A rich man should not pick quarrels.
先把拳头收紧再攻击  Make a fist before striking.
加强自己敌自弱  Strengthening your own weak group makes your opponent's weaker.
攻击要用夹  Attach to the stronger stone in a pincer.
攻击勿靠太近  Don't attach when attacking.
攻紧宜宽  To attack tight , do so loosely. To attack loose, do so tightly.
李代桃僵,弃子转换  Sacrifice plums for peaches.
棋长1尺无眼自活  Big dragons never die.
让对手拿走他该得的  Give your opponent what he wants.
一方地要不得  Avoid ippoji.
不做亏本交换  Don't trade a dollar for a penny.
初棋无劫  There are no ko threats in the opening.
先角后边  Use the corner to conquer the side.
莫要后推车  Don't push from behind.
棋从断处生1  Opportunity via the place where cutting occurs.1
棋从断处生2  Opportunity via the place where cutting occurs.2
遇劫先提  Try to get first capture in a ko.
两扳长一气  Two hanes gain a liberty.
腾挪要用靠  Use contact moves for defence.
七死八活在2路  Six die eight live
四死六活在3路  Four die but six live

遇刺必接  Connect against a peep

象眼尖穿忌两行,飞柔制劲  eye of the elephant
两打同情不打,推敲扳虎兼长  not atari
立二拆三搭配好,高高低低合棋理  From a two-stone wall, extend three.
莫压四路休爬二,七子沿边活也输  donot push 4 road
压强不要去压弱,声东目的在击西  Press down on strong stones, not weak ones.
敌强欲削宜浅侵,进退有路方为宜  Keshi is worth as much as an invasion.
逃要关来追要飞,逢方必点逢镇飞  to escape, play the one-point jump.To chase, play the keima.
棋精再少要保护,轻子该弃就要弃  protection of important stones
宁输数子,勿失一先。  Better lose a few stones than to lose sente.
两生勿断,皆活勿连。  Don't try to cut two live groups, don't try to connect two live groups.
声东击西 缠绕攻击  Make a feint to the east for attacking the west.
贪不得胜  The greedy do not get success

入界宜缓  Be unhurried to enter opponent′s territory
攻彼顾我  Take care of oneself when attacking others
弃子争先  Discard stones to gain sente
舍小就大  Abandon small to save big
逢危须弃  When in danger, sacrifice
慎勿轻速  Make thick shape, avoid hasty moves
动须相应  A move must respond to the opponent′s
彼强自保  Against strong positions, play safely
势孤取和  Look for peace, avoid fighting in an isolated or weak situation
凡义当争一着净  Key tips of go
精华已竭多堪弃  Key tips of go
劳逸攸关少亦图  Key tips of go
静能制动劳输逸  Key tips of go
三方无应莫存孤  Key tips of go
取重舍轻方得胜  Key tips of go
休贪假利除他病  Key tips of go
势分入腹路皆公  Key tips of go
莫恋呆棋受敌创  Key tips of go
阻渡生根 托二宜其边已固  Key tips of go
镇头大而含笼 尖路小以阻渡  Key tips of go
起手据边隅  Key tips of go
两番收腹成犹小 七子延边活也输  Key tips of go
立二拆三三拆四 攻虚宜紧紧宜宽  Key tips of go
后先有变机从紧  Key tips of go
入腹争正面  Key tips of go
马步镇逼常单跨 双单形见定靠单  Key tips of go
逸劳互易忙须夺  Key tips of go
实本攻虚柔克刚  Key tips of go

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