My experience in IGS are pretty happy .
People are nice and say hi and bye .
Only one time , I met a guy named Gorden , his email shows , I think he is in UK , and GUO is a chinese name .
He is 1k* , after he lost a group of stone with 80 steps , he started to play like a 15k .
I captured another 20-30 stones , and ahead 100 points .
He just wonn't resign .
I didn't shout out about this , and I just kill the group and remove them from the board ,
and wait for the end .
But some observers came to the game and saw what happened , he shouted out : don't play with Gorden , Gorden is idiot .
Some other observer talked to me and said your opponent is rude .
The game finally finished and I won 80 points .
I wasn't angry and just killing my own time .
Maybe I had to thank you for not escaping . :-)
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