转帖BadukAI 0.21下载
https://lifein19x19.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=17784&start=260我创建了一个新的Android应用“ BadukAI”,可让您使用两个AI进行游戏和分析:
1)Katago:据我所知,这是Android上的第一个本机实现。它使用版本1.5.0起的20个块的网络,并通过OpenCL在GPU上运行,因此您的设备需要OpenCL功能(当今大多数功能)。在Snapdragon 855+处理器上,它每秒大约可处理10个节点(在像最新的Exynos 990这样的顶级OpenCL性能处理器上,它的速度应该是它的两倍)。
2)LeelaZero:您可以在15个方块的网络(针对40b自打训练)和40个方块的网络(LZ 273)之间进行选择。该实现针对android进行了优化,可以在最新的Snapdragon芯片组上使用DSP,因此在此类设备上将非常快。例如,在Snapdragon 855+上,它的速度约为200 n / s(对于15个块)和50 n / s(对于40个块)。
不幸的是,我无法通过Google Play商店分发该应用程序,因为Google迫使Play商店中的新应用程序至少定位到SDK 29,并且该SDK不允许该应用程序启动其他可执行文件(例如leelazero或katago)。
I have created a new android app "BadukAI" which allows you to play and analyse with two AIs:
1) Katago: To my knowledge the first native implementation on android. It uses the 20 blocks network from version 1.5.0 and runs on the GPU via OpenCL, so your device needs OpenCL capability (which most have nowadays). On Snapdragon 855+ processor it does about 10 nodes per second (on top OpenCL-performers like the latest Exynos 990 it should be twice as fast).
2) LeelaZero: You can choose between a 15 blocks network (trained against 40b self-play) and a 40 blocks network (LZ 273). The implementation is optimized for android and can use the DSP on recent Snapdragon chipsets so will be quite fast on such devices. On Snapdragon 855+ for example it does about 200 n/s (for 15 blocks) and 50 n/s (for 40 blocks).
Unfortunately I can't distribute the app via google play store since google forces new apps on play store to target at least SDK 29 and this SDK does not permit an app to start another executable anymore (such as leelazero or katago).
Therefore I made it available via my github page:
If you are interested, you can read a complete description and download the app from there. 谢谢分享! https://github.com/aki65/aki65.github.io/releases/download/v0.21.0/baduk_ai__armeabi-v7a-rel-0.21.apk 这个是干啥的?如果是分析和lizzie有什么不同
157 发表于 2020-12-8 23:40
这个是在android手机上本机运行Katago和LeelaZero ynes 发表于 2020-12-8 23:52
看到介绍里说可以选择局部分析 很早以前就用过这玩意儿,当时界面难看难用的一笔。
但能在手机上能支持katago还是很牛B的。 虽然体积比较大,但是还是满怀期待下载载下来,但忽然发现全英文的,非常不习惯,还有落子怎么回事,是拖动的?如果作者能够汉译,那将是棋迷朋友的福音 谢谢楼主分享