https://github.com/leela-zero/leela-zero/issues/2560#issuecomment-775434978 也不知道是应该悲伤还是喜 留下美好的记忆!!!!:victory::victory::victory::victory: http://zero.sjeng.org/ Zero is entering retirement and the server is closing soon. Please consider donating your GPU power to one of these projects, both support high handicap and will explore ladders better than Leela Zero:SAI: Originally a variable-komi fork of Leela Zero. Drop in compatible with LZ, can use LZ networks, may play stronger than LZ with same network. KataGo: Supports multiple rulesets and board sizes, predicts score and territory, from a single network.Leela Zero is available from: Github. 没有停,今天还在跑谱,挑战 结束了。 distributed training of Leela Zero has finished and the server is closed. 一个时代的结束,leela的功劳不可磨灭,最后一个权重287,下载永久的纪念 lu01 发表于 2021-2-16 05:44结束了。 distributed training of Leela Zero has finished and the server is closed.
不知道,最后更新是 https://github.com/tensorflow/minigo/tree/master/oneoffs/joseki 好像katago比Leela要利害啊 为什么不训练到288号权重才停止?谐音“要拜拜”了多好!这样有点不完美啊 yunhuo 发表于 2021-2-17 16:45