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发表于 2012-9-22 10:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本人在做围棋英文版本的教学软件 Clever_Stone_go

Don't peep at a cutting point.(断点勿刺,帮人补毛病啊)
Don't peep at both sides of a bamboo joint.(勿刺双关竹节)

【Proverbs for all situations】(普通棋理)
1. Your opponent's good move is your good move. (敌之要点,我之要点)
2. The opponent's vital point is my vital point. 敌之要点,我之要点
Your enemy's key point is your own key point.(敌之要点,我之要点)

3. Play on the point of symmetry.                 (两型相同走中央)

4. Beware of going back to patch up.             (补棋尽量抢先手)??????

5.Don't follow proverbs blindly.                 (不要盲目照搬谚语)
6. When in doubt, Tenuki.                         (不会下就脱先)

7. Tenuki is always an option.                    (不会下就脱先)

【Life-and-death proverbs 】(死活棋理)
1.There is death in the hane.  (杀棋要用扳)  
2. Learn the eyestealing tesuji.                     (学习破眼手筋)
3、 Six die but eight live on the second line.       (6死8活)
4. Four die but six live on the third line.             (4死6活)
5、Four is five, five is eight, six is twelve.          (4 5,5 8,6 12讲数气)
6.The carpenter's square becomes ko.                      (金柜角是打劫)

7.The L group is dead. → L+1, L+2, Long L, J, Straight J,,,    (断头盘角板六是否死要看外气)
8. The door group is dead.                                            (板四是死棋)
9. Bent four in the corner is dead.                                      (   盘角曲四是死的)
10. Strange things happen at the one two point.                          (二1是妙手)
11. Eyes win semeai.                                                     (有眼杀瞎)
12. Big eye wins the small eye in the capturing race.                    (大眼杀小眼)
13. Check escape routes first.                                           (先检查逃跑路线)(入界宜缓?)
[Technical proverbs ]

1. Respond to attachment with hane. (遇靠用扳)                    
2. bane at the head of two stones. (二子头软必需扳)
3. Crosscut then extend.
4. Capture the cutting stones. (断哪边吃哪边)
5. Beginners play atari. (学棋从打吃开始)
6. The empty triangle is bad. (空三角是愚型)
7. Ikken tobi is never wrong.  (凡跳无恶手)
8. From a two-stone wall, extend three. (立2拆3)
9. Don't try to cut the one-point jump.  (单关不要轻易挖断)
10. Strike at the waist of the keima.     (切断小飞要用跨????)

11. Cutting right through a knight's move is very big. (穿破小飞是大棋)
12. Do not peep at cutting points. (断点勿刺,帮人补毛病啊)
13. Even a moron connects against a peep.                     ?????低效连接要用刺(虎口)

14.If one stone on the third line in atari, add a second stone and sacrifice both. (3路遇吃多弃1子)

15. Use contact moves for defence.    左右浮子要连接???? 似乎应该翻译为 (腾挪要用靠)????
还原真相太难 中国-日本-欧美-中国 转1圈回来,不认识了。

16. Never ignore a shoulder hit. 不要忘记肩冲????
17. The bamboo joint may be short of liberties. ???竹节关少气也可能被切断
18. Nets are better than ladders. 枷吃胜过征子
19. Answer the capping play with a knight's move. 镇以飞应
20.Approach from the wider side. 从宽的一边挂角(棋从宽处挂)
21.Block on the wider side. 从宽的一边封锁敌人 (棋从宽处拦)
22. Play at the centre of three stones. 点在3子中间
23.Answer keima with kosumi.     (Kosumi=尖 keima=飞 )  (象眼)尖穿用用飞???? 请问这个应该翻译为(尖以飞应)还是(飞以尖应)
24. Five liberties for tactical stability. 棋有5气不用慌?????
25. Take off stones captured in a ladder, at the earliest opportunity.(以早提被征吃的棋子为妙)

[Strategy proverbs ]
1. Urgent points before big points.  急所胜于大场
2. Don't throw an egg at a wall.     厚势勿近
3. Play away from thickness.         厚势勿近
4. Don't use thickness to make territory. 厚势不要用来围地(用来攻击敌人)
5. Make territory while attacking.        以攻击取地
6.The largest point is at the boundary of your moyo and the opponent's moyo. 天王山在敌我摸样的交界处
7. A ponnuki is worth thirty points. 开花1朵三十目
8. Make a fist before striking.      先把拳头收紧(再攻击)  
9. Do not defend territories open on two sides,      (2边漏风莫围地)
Don't try to enclose when you have an open skirt.   (2边漏风莫围地)
10. Combine a pincer with an extension.             (拆兼夹是好点)

11. Attach to the stronger stone in a pincer.        ?????(攻击要用夹)
12. Make a feint to the east for attacking the west. (压强不压弱)???
13.Sacrifice plums for peaches.    (李代桃僵,弃子转换)????
14.A rich man should not pick quarrels. 赢棋别闹事(优势的时候)
15. Play kikashi before living.                                 活棋之前别忘记先手利???
16. Keshi is worth as much as an invasion.          ???(浅削胜过打入)????
17. Don't attach when attacking.         攻击勿靠太近(相反:腾挪要用靠)  
18. Five groups live, the sixth will die. (5目眼位可能活,6目眼位还可能死,看情况)????????

19. Big dragons never die. 棋长1尺无眼自活(百足之虫死而不僵)(说的是大棋有很多争扎的手段)  

20. Grab the shape points in kikashi. 先手破坏敌人的棋形
21. Give your opponent what he wants. 让对手拿些小利吧??????(让对手拿走他该得的)
22.Avoid ippoji. 一方地要不得   (ippoji=日语=中国方言=一方地)
23. Don't trade a dollar for a penny.     ??美圆换便士??(不做亏本交换)
24. There are no ko threats in the opening. 初棋无劫
25.Strengthening your own weak group makes your opponent's weaker.


26.After the 10th punch will you see the fist - and after the 20th will you block it.

27. Don't touch weak stones.               弱子不要近攻
28. Never upset your star-point stones.    不要忘记自己星位附近需要拆1手补强  ???????????????
29. Use the corner to conquer the side.   先角后边
30. Greed for the win takes the win away. 贪不得胜

[Meta Proverbs ]弯理啊???????????????????????????????
1.Learning Joseki loses two stones strength.           学会定式多输2子
2. Black should resign if one player has four corners. 4角被占就认输
3. If you don't know ladders, don't play Go. 不懂征子别下棋
4. Proverbs do not apply to White.
5. You can play Go but don't let Go play you.
6. If you don't like Ko don't Play Go. 不爱打劫别下棋
7. Cut First Think Later. 先断了再说
8. If It Has a Name Know It.
9. Lose Your First 50 Games as Quickly as Possible.
10. Don't try to weasel a win out of a proverb.
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