Leela Zero is available from: Github.
981 total clients seen. (653 in past 24 hours, 188 in past hour.)
52216 total submitted games. (21258 in past 24 hours, 839 in past hour.)
The 19K game network beats the 9k game network 63% of the time. A 38K network is training now.
Leela Zero is available from: Github.
1037 total clients seen. (664 in past 24 hours, 199 in past hour.)
55869 total submitted games. (21244 in past 24 hours, 905 in past hour.)
The 19K game network beats the 9k game network 63% of the time. A 38K network is training now.
Leela Zero is available from: Github.
1039 total clients seen. (664 in past 24 hours, 203 in past hour.)
56127 total submitted games. (21258 in past 24 hours, 927 in past hour.)
The 19,000 game network beats the 9,000 game network 63% of the time. A 38,000 game network is training now.