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发表于 2003-5-6 12:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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I thought people would find this recent game played on IGS very interesting.
It is between Chen Zude 9p (president of the Chinese Go Association) and
Yang Yileun 7p (interent Go instructor). This game was for the Cotsen
Go Tournament.

GM[1]EV[Internet Go Server game: czd vs yly]
US[Brought to you by IGS PANDANET]
 Copyright (c) PANDANET Inc. 2003
&nbspermission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given.
 No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood.
 Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice.
GN[czd-yly(B) IGS]RE[W+Resign]
PW[czd]WR[9p ]NW[49]
PC[IGS:  igs.joyjoy.net 6969]DT[2003-05-05]

lakeland 2k*: this seems to favour b to me
sergeant 2k*: who is white?
lakeland 2k*: pro in the US from memory
lakeland 2k*: oops, that is b, dunno about white
mungo 22k : b is Yilun Yang, yes?
sergeant 2k*: pretty sure this game is at the Cotson Open down in Los Angeles this weekend
lakeland 2k*: I’m not sure about czd, but his email points to a Chinese domain
kungfu 4k*: r9... cool
rhizoxin 3k*: all
rhizoxin 3k*: who is white? thanks
jansteen 5d*: instead of l17, maybe l16 combined top and centre as well?
jansteen 5d*: oh, k16
kix NR : how about p-7 now ?
jansteen 5d*: p7 interesting
jansteen 5d*: could be overplay or very forceful
Ratboy 13k : this a live game or a replay?
kix NR : wow
rhizoxin 3k*: nice
kix NR : and who is B ? )
kix NR : I see, thank you, tweet
zee 6k*: which tournament is this please?
sergeant 2k*: i think it is a (non tournament) game at the Cotsen Open in Los Angeles today
kakkoi 5d : stats czd
kakkoi 5d : doh
jansteen 5d*: j13 looks important
jansteen 5d*: b’s center group quite qeak
jansteen 5d*: qeak? weak
slowjoe NR : is qeak a regular dutch go term?
jansteen 5d*: no, typo
slowjoe NR : shame
jansteen 5d*: killing the top now is a bit risky for black
jansteen 5d*: center needs enforcement
jansteen 5d*: h12 tries to combine attack and defense, j15 likewise
sergeant 2k*: probabality this game does not end in resignation = ?
jansteen 5d*: both players are reenforcing their groups
slowjoe NR : is it possible to count this position?
worldbook 4k*: the white O16 group is dangerous?
jansteen 5d*: o16 can be killed when black sente
jansteen 5d*: but no relevance yet
jansteen 5d*: too much at stake in the center
worldbook 4k*: it seems that he is a Chinese
jansteen 5d*: Chen Zude, 9p from China
worldbook 4k*: Ohohoh
worldbook 4k*: how old is he now?
mke 2k*: about 60
worldbook 4k*: me too,  I feel the w has difficulty to play with this 3d
droplet 3d : is it live?
slowjoe NR : tweet said earlier that it is a tournament game
worldbook 4k*: now the w is good
rhizoxin 3k*: ko?
worldbook 4k*: comes
jansteen 5d*: semeai, both death
worldbook 4k*: L18
Huji 3d : is G13 possible?
Albatross 2d : who is czd?
slowjoe NR : chinese pro
Albatross 2d : i see, thank you
droplet 3d : yly has a lot of games adjouned... that’s not good...
Avenger 4d*: you know his name? there are only so many Chinese 9ps
Albatross 2d : isn’t yly a pro living in US?
slowjoe NR : someone said chen
Avenger 4d*: chen de zhu?
JoaTa 4k*: Chen Zude, 9p from China
sylt 17k*: yly = Yang Yilun, also nick "rabcat"
Avenger 4d*: oh, it’s chen zude, got his name backward
Albatross 2d : so why yly not with a p rank, just a 3d?
sylt 17k*: rank is 7p, ranking is 3d
Avenger 4d*: what’s is this game? by the way
Albatross 2d : I missed something. if yly can teach 5d and 6d, why is  his ranking only 3d?
Huji 3d : what tournament, tweet?
Huji 3d : thanks tweet
dahui 2k*: who is czd?
dahui 2k*: ya, thx  i mean his or her name?
Avenger 4d*: chen zu de, czd
Huji 3d : do you happen to know how much time do they have left?
Avenger 4d*: i guess
dahui 2k*: ic, chen, zude 9p?
dahui 2k*: i think yang yiluen
dahui 2k*: his son maybe
sergeant 2k*: yly his teaching account -- he goes easy on his students
Avenger 4d*: hehe, tweet doesn’t like to give out names
dahui 2k*: privacy?
Huji 3d : do you happen to know how much time do they have left?nor time left
sergeant 2k*: e19 or r19?

发表于 2003-5-6 12:56 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-6 13:55 | 只看该作者


GM[1]EV[Internet Go Server game: czd vs yly]
US[Brought to you by IGS PANDANET]


Huji 3d : do you happen to know how much time do they have left?nor time left
sergeant 2k*: e19 or r19?


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