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A Brief IGS/NNGS History (From RGG)

发表于 2003-7-27 15:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
刚从 RGG 上看到这个帖子,觉得有点内容,先贴过来,有时间的话再设法翻译一下
飞扬围棋上已有多九公先生写的有关 IGS/NNGS 的历史的文章


寄件者:Michael Alford (malf@spiritone.com)
主旨:A Brief IGS/NNGS History
View this article only
日期:2003-07-22 15:05:12 PST

Recently, there have been several posts about the IGS/NNGS history which
evince a total lack of knowledge about the entire affair, much as it has been
bandied about here on rgg. Allow me to be brief, and objective. Thanks to wms
for his post to the thread "Re: good guy or bad guy?" the other day. Just FYI,
evanb was not an IGS admin, evanb was an AGA official. The real person of
interest in the IGS/NNGS affair is Erik Van Riper, aka geek:

IGS is the original idea of Tim Casey and his friend Chris.

With help/input from tweet and other people, IGS moves from idea to project.

Tim starts work on IGS in 1991. In later interviews, he will say that IGS is
based "loosely" on code from the Internet Chess Server. What "loosely" means
is that Tim saw that code once. IGS is not reverse engineered. The protocol.h
file is an original work by Tim.

IGS goes online in February, 1992.

Erik Van Riper is an IGS user then located at CUNY. He is known to have been
soliciting help in building a Go server.

Erik pursuades an admin to move the IGS archives from bsdserver to CUNY. When
tweet becomes aware of this, he has the admin restore the files to bsdserver.
Erik is apparently very upset over this moving of files, but even before this
"falling out", Erik was working on a Go server. There has been a
misattribution that tweet told geek "Go build your own server."

IGS has occasion to question some accounts as to their activity. These
accounts state that they are monitoring IGS telnet output for the purpose of
helping Van Riper build another server. They are asked to stop.

NNGS goes online August, 1995.

NNGS source code is examined by several people friendly to IGS. The IGS
protocol.h file is found within the NNGS source code distribution.

There ensue the rgg "server wars".

Which brings us to the present.

I hope this skeletal outline is of benefit to some of you in following certain

发表于 2003-7-27 20:54 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-7-27 23:30 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-7-28 03:29 | 只看该作者
估计现在的nngs1d = china 1d.

nngs.cosmic.org 9696
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